Social Media Marketing

Social Media Strategy

Share your story and be likable. We offer Social Media Marketing strategy and content posting services that keep your brand top of mind.

We identify consumers with influence over large followings and give you the ability to spread the news about your product through them. They become advocates of your brand and help spread the word.

Using sentiment monitoring tools we know the topics that dominate conversations within your industry, and we help you react appropriately with strategies.

Social media marketing is another way to find and keep customers. We apply viral strategies in this space to attract new customers with the potential to become your most valuable customers. We also use social media as your secret weapon for retaining existing customers and building your brand, while keeping tabs on your competition.

Build Your Social Presence


We identify the appropriate social media channels for your business. Depending on the industry, some social media channels will perform better than others. We also manage and create a social ad strategy when needed.

BLVD will establish and manage your unique presence in each channel with our social media marketing strategies.


Share Content

Share new content about your offering on a regular basis. Make sure blog content is linked to social channels. You can also advertise on social channels when you need news of your offering to spread more aggressively.

Monitor Results

Monitor the performance of your social media marketing campaign. What gets shared and who is sharing? What are the sentiment levels for industry topics being discussed, related to your business and your competition?